
How do I keep My baby safe while traveling

Travelling With Baby Tips To Make Life Easier It may sound daunting, but travelling with baby does not have to be a nightmare! A little preparation and forward planning is all you need for a successful trip with your tiny traveller . There are certain supplies that are essential for any trip with your baby. The most important, of course, is enough food and milk for the journey. Always pack more than you think you’ll need and include plenty of finger foods if your baby is old enough — these are great for helping to keep him occupied! If you are breastfeeding and need to express milk, you can store it in a cooler, with ice, for up to 24 hours. You can also store bottles of pre-made formula in the same way — alternatively, you can add pre-measured powdered formula to the bottles, then top it up with cooled, boiled water as required. Another option is to bring “ ready to drink ” cartons of formula. Whilst ideal for the journey itself, be aware that you may not be allowed to take

Child car seat guidelines

Car seat safety tips for a baby Do you know that according to a report 80% of kids are not properly seated in the car seat and thus many children get unnecessarily injured in car accidents. Still many of us do not bother about using safe car seats for our children. So let us follow some basic tips so that we can avoid our babies from getting involved in an accident. The biggest mistake that you parents often commit, is not to bother whether the seat is right for your child’s age and whether he is facing the right direction. a) Always remember infants should be in a rear facing infant only seat or convertible seat until they are 1 year old and weigh twenty pounds. Kids whose weight remains less than 20 pounds even after 1 year should also continue to face backwards. b) When a child is above 1 year in age and weighs more than 20 pounds then he/she can be seated in a forward facing car seat, until they are 40 pounds of weight. Children over forty pounds should be placed in

How do I decide what formula to use

Choosing a formula If you’ve decided on formula as the choice for feeding your baby, you might be a bit confused about all the choices. There are lots of options to help you find the type that will best suit your baby’s needs and your lifestyle. When you are in the hospital , if your baby is getting formula, it will likely be pre-mixed in one serving disposable bottles, and will be a name brand, milk based formula. This is likely to be what your pediatrician recommends and will work well for most babies. You may be able to use this for the whole first year, with no issues. If your baby has trouble with this formula, he may have a milk allergy, and may need soy, or other special type of formula. If your baby is having trouble tolerating his formula, he may cry significantly after eating, indicating that he has a stomach ache or he may throw up or have diarrhea. If you notice what you think might be intolerance to the formula, contact your pediatrician right away. You mig

Best way for baby to sleep

Baby Sleep Tips Making Your Baby Comfortable Often, it seems fairly random whether or not babies sleep well. New parents will often discuss how they were simply “lucky” with one child as opposed to another. While it is true that in many cases how your child sleeps is largely out of your control, there remains many baby sleep tips you can employ to encourage better sleeping habits. One of the most important is to ensure that your baby is comfortable when he goes to sleep. Bedtime is a transitional period for your child, and your efforts to make him sleep better should revolve around getting him to learn to sleep on his own. One of the most important elements of achieving this is to create an environment where your baby is as comfortable as possible. For this reason, the before-bed routine should always consist of changing and feedings – the worst thing for a baby, in terms of sleeping well , is to be in want of something when he is put to bed. You should also be trying to mak

How to raise a child and their methods

Baby crib advice and tips Congratulations! You have just learned that you are having a baby. Whether this is your first or not you need to look at cribs. Do you have one already? Is it an antique? A second hand crib whether antique or not needs to be carefully looked at. This is for the safety of your new baby. The screws, bolts, and/or other fasteners should all be in place. Are they loose? Will the position of the mattress hold under your baby’s weight? It is imperative that this be tested before you put your baby in the crib. Take something that approximates the weight of your baby at about 4 months old. Bounce it off the mattress to be certain it will hold its position. If it doesn’t it could cause serious injury to your baby or worse. When setting up the nursery (if it isn’t already up) consider very carefully where you will place the crib. If you place the crib near a window and you have Venetian blinds, either shorten the cords or anchor them somewhere that yo

Pink Blue Or Undecided

Pink blue or undecided The pink or blue question is a moot one these days, isn’t it? After all, it’s so easy to tell the gender of a baby before the happy day, so there’s no need to guess. Well, that’s not strictly true. Even with the advances in technology, ultrasound pictures aren’t always one hundred percent certain, and many parents prefer to be surprised. If you’re shopping for a new baby without knowing the gender, you still might have to decide whether to buy pink or blue. You could always flip a coin – heads it’s roses and lace, tails you pick up the little sailor suit. There are more efficient and practical ways to make sure that you pick up clothing and accessories that will be appreciated and useful. Gender-Neutral Colors The easiest way, of course, is to stick with gender neutral colors in your choices. As a culture, we’re fond of dressing babies in pastels, but you don’t have to limit yourself to pale yellow and baby green to be safe. There are lots of o

Baby Swimsuits

Baby Swimsuit A few years back, garment companies were in a tussle to secure a foothold in the kids’ casual garments industry. Today however, there is an itsy-bitsy piece of cloth that these industries are trying to corner: swimwear for children. With more families frequenting clubs, water parks, the beach and amusement parks, the demand for kids’ swimwear is on the rise. Quite a few fashion houses, too, are concentrating on kids’ swimwear, the reason being that this market flourished in the nineties and is a money generator today. When shopping for kids’ swimwear, there are two things that should be kept in mind – color and design. Children usually get attracted to loud, vibrant colors as opposed to dull, safe colors. Whereas girls are usually content with flowers and polka dots, the little ladies can dress up in multiple styles of two-piece bathing suits from bikini cut to tankinis; these suits come in as many different designs and styles as maillot suits do. With boys, it i

Baby Sleep Tips Some Tricks For The Transition

Baby Sleep Tips Some Tricks For The Transition As a new parent, one of your priorities will be to establish good sleeping habits with your newborn. Your baby needs to learn to sleep on his own; the transition from sleeping with his mother to sleeping by himself takes some time. Of course, as add added bonus, if you get your baby to learn to sleep on his own you will also get some much needed rest yourself. To instill good sleeping habits in your baby , research and try to employ different baby sleep tips: try a lot of things and see what works for you, and don’t be afraid to trust your instincts. Many baby sleep tips center on the idea of establishing routines and associations for your child between nighttime and sleep. The sooner you child begins to associate bedtime with sleep, the more likely he is to be able to go to sleep without a fuss. A period that is often overlooked, however, in establishing day vs. night associations, is the period of “transition” – that is,

How to teach your child to eat easily

How to teach your child to eat easily When you make baby’s first foods, you can save money and reduce waste. You also can choose more nutritious options. Fresh foods are typically more nutritious than canned, and you can purchase organic food to prepare for baby if you wish. You can also avoid unwholesome ingredients that show up in commercial baby food. Making baby food doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. In fact, the easiest and cheapest way is the best way! The easy way to making your own baby food : 1) Don’t bother with buying one of those baby food grinders. They’re hard to clean and too much hassle. 2) If you wait until your baby is 6 months old to start solids, you can almost always just mash with a fork to the desired consistency. If you’re breastfeeding, you can even wait until baby’s “pincer grasp” is developed and offer him small finger foods like peas, bits of grated apple, and the like. The pincer grasp is developed when baby can pinch smal

How to name children and their information.

Baby Information And Babies Names Moms Break free birthday pintables can helps you throw a birthday party So be a frugal shopper and use our free birthday invitations and our other great free birthday ideas, Childbirth Facts and birthday crlllafts for kids. For example many of our free birthday invitations are in jpg image format and can be opened in any image editor and personalized before printing. Also find free birthday printable theme sets which include free birthday card, invitation, placement, Baby Information, Baby names , and many other useful birthday ideas. Having a Natural Childbirth is one of the most empowering experiences a woman will ever encounter. Having control over your body and making informed decisions about your delivery will make for lasting memories. There are many ways to name a baby, Baby Information, Baby Shop, Perhaps you stumbled on the perfect name. Maybe you and your spouse have already decided long ago. Or maybe you’re like me and wrestling