
Showing posts from August, 2020

How do I keep My baby safe while traveling

Travelling With Baby Tips To Make Life Easier It may sound daunting, but travelling with baby does not have to be a nightmare! A little preparation and forward planning is all you need for a successful trip with your tiny traveller . There are certain supplies that are essential for any trip with your baby. The most important, of course, is enough food and milk for the journey. Always pack more than you think you’ll need and include plenty of finger foods if your baby is old enough — these are great for helping to keep him occupied! If you are breastfeeding and need to express milk, you can store it in a cooler, with ice, for up to 24 hours. You can also store bottles of pre-made formula in the same way — alternatively, you can add pre-measured powdered formula to the bottles, then top it up with cooled, boiled water as required. Another option is to bring “ ready to drink ” cartons of formula. Whilst ideal for the journey itself, be aware that you may not be allowed to take

How do I keep My baby safe while traveling

Travelling With Baby Tips To Make Life Easier It may sound daunting, but travelling with baby does not have to be a nightmare! A little preparation and forward planning is all you need for a successful trip with your tiny traveller . There are certain supplies that are essential for any trip with your baby. The most important, of course, is enough food and milk for the journey. Always pack more than you think you’ll need and include plenty of finger foods if your baby is old enough — these are great for helping to keep him occupied! If you are breastfeeding and need to express milk, you can store it in a cooler, with ice, for up to 24 hours. You can also store bottles of pre-made formula in the same way — alternatively, you can add pre-measured powdered formula to the bottles, then top it up with cooled, boiled water as required. Another option is to bring “ ready to drink ” cartons of formula. Whilst ideal for the journey itself, be aware that you may not be allowed to take

Child car seat guidelines

Car seat safety tips for a baby Do you know that according to a report 80% of kids are not properly seated in the car seat and thus many children get unnecessarily injured in car accidents. Still many of us do not bother about using safe car seats for our children. So let us follow some basic tips so that we can avoid our babies from getting involved in an accident. The biggest mistake that you parents often commit, is not to bother whether the seat is right for your child’s age and whether he is facing the right direction. a) Always remember infants should be in a rear facing infant only seat or convertible seat until they are 1 year old and weigh twenty pounds. Kids whose weight remains less than 20 pounds even after 1 year should also continue to face backwards. b) When a child is above 1 year in age and weighs more than 20 pounds then he/she can be seated in a forward facing car seat, until they are 40 pounds of weight. Children over forty pounds should be placed in

How do I decide what formula to use

Choosing a formula If you’ve decided on formula as the choice for feeding your baby, you might be a bit confused about all the choices. There are lots of options to help you find the type that will best suit your baby’s needs and your lifestyle. When you are in the hospital , if your baby is getting formula, it will likely be pre-mixed in one serving disposable bottles, and will be a name brand, milk based formula. This is likely to be what your pediatrician recommends and will work well for most babies. You may be able to use this for the whole first year, with no issues. If your baby has trouble with this formula, he may have a milk allergy, and may need soy, or other special type of formula. If your baby is having trouble tolerating his formula, he may cry significantly after eating, indicating that he has a stomach ache or he may throw up or have diarrhea. If you notice what you think might be intolerance to the formula, contact your pediatrician right away. You mig

Best way for baby to sleep

Baby Sleep Tips Making Your Baby Comfortable Often, it seems fairly random whether or not babies sleep well. New parents will often discuss how they were simply “lucky” with one child as opposed to another. While it is true that in many cases how your child sleeps is largely out of your control, there remains many baby sleep tips you can employ to encourage better sleeping habits. One of the most important is to ensure that your baby is comfortable when he goes to sleep. Bedtime is a transitional period for your child, and your efforts to make him sleep better should revolve around getting him to learn to sleep on his own. One of the most important elements of achieving this is to create an environment where your baby is as comfortable as possible. For this reason, the before-bed routine should always consist of changing and feedings – the worst thing for a baby, in terms of sleeping well , is to be in want of something when he is put to bed. You should also be trying to mak